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  • International Journal: 20 (SCI, SCOPUS , UGC care & Referred journals)

  • Patent: Indian Patents -6

  • Copyright- 1

  • International Conference: 20   

  • National Conference: 8

  • PhD Guide:  Recognized guide at SPPU Pune

  • PhD: 01 completed, 05 Research scholars pursuing PhD

  • Project Guided: UG Level: 50     PG Level: 15

  • Fund received : 10Lakh+ (AICTE, BCUD)​

  • Country Visited: NTU Singapore, University of Malaysia, Hong-Kong & Dubai​

  • Delivered expert Lectures on NBA in various institute​]

  • LIFE Member of ISTE &  IEEE member

  • Received " APJ Abdul Kalam Puruskar 2022" as Most Promising Research Scholar by ICSRR, Delhi

Research Experience

Researcher's in my team

 Research Title:

Multimodal Stress detection  System using EEG & ECG signals through Machine Learning techniques

Research Title:

Design a efficient system for Humanoid Decision Capability Using Machine Learning


Mr.Madhukar Nimbalkar

Research Title:

Intelligent Drip Irrigation System


Ms.Amruta Takawale

Research Title:

Design a efficient system for Humanoid Decision Capability Using Machine Learning


Ms. Sangita Patil

 Research Title:

Multimodal Stress detection  System using EEG & ECG signals through Machine Learning techniques

Amit Dhanawade Photo.jpg

Mr.Amit Dhanwade

Research Title:

Design a efficient system for Humanoid Decision Capability Using Machine Learning


Ms. Yogeshwari

Research Title:

AI Based risk prediction of ischemic heart disease.


Ms.Geetanjali Mate

Research Title:

Design and develop a technique for automatic analysis of RA using digital image



Human Stress Recognition

Everyone experiences stress in life. Moderate stress can be beneficial to human; however, excessive stress is harmful to the health. It can be observed while people are facing a challenging work, coping with a strained relationship or engaged in an intense competition. Many health problems are also related to stress. People under high pressure at work or in life may not only feel negative emotions, but also get depressed. On the other hand, moderate stress is beneficial to human because it helps to stay focused and alert. In this case, stress can be a way to improve performance during a presentation at work or during taking exams at school.
In this work, real time stress level recognition from Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal is proposed. Stress is a mental condition that effects the brain electrical activity to be different from the normal state. A system is designed to classify three levels of stress; Low Stress, Moderate Stress and High Stress. Validation of algorithm is carried out using by Stroop color-word test as stimuli to induce various levels of stress.


Human Emotion Recognition System

The main aim of our work is at processing of Electrocardiogram signals using Fission-Fusion approach of Hilbert Spectrum. Hilbert Huang Transform (HHT) based technique is one of the best method for the analysis of non linear and non stationary signal. We have processed Electrocardiogram (ECG) by applying EMD after the Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT). WPT is used to decompose ECG signal into number of narrow band signal, as well as to obtain monocomponent and remove unwanted IMF from ECG. In our work we used Fi-Fu algorithm for analysing electrocardiogram (ECG) signals for detection of important features such as, Instantaneous frequency, Amplitude, and Mean frequency to recognize Human emotions from Electrocardiogram signal.The Physiological signal acquired from human body always corrupt with noises and external interferences. It is essential to remove all these noises and artefact from input signal before processing. The important features such as, Instantaneous frequency, amplitude, and Mean frequency can extract from Electrocardiogram signal to recognize Human emotions from Electrocardiogram signal.

Projects Summary


  1. Mobile Video Surveillance system of 3G Network based on ARM9

  2. Human Emotion Recognition using Electrocardiogram Signals

  3. Human disposition detection using EEG signal and facial expression

  4. Design of EEG based Human Computer Interface for real time application

  5. EEG Signal Analysis Algorithm for Human Emotion recognition using wavelet transform

  6. Facial Emotion Detection using Eigen faces

  7. Implementing image compression using Curvelet transform based approach

  8. Design and develop an algorithm for a diabetic detection using ECG signal

  9. Novel approach for stress recognition using EEG signal by SVM classifier


Research Projects (Minor)

  1. “Text to speech detection using MFCC” funded by Board of college and university development, Pune,(BCUD), sanctioned amount 1 Lakhs .

  2. “Human emotion recognition using ECG signal” funded by Board of college and university development, Pune,(BCUD), sanctioned amount 2.5 Lakhs .

  3. “Analysis of Nonlinear and Non-Stationary Signal to Extract the Features Using Fi-Fu approach of Hilbert Huang Transform” funded by Board of college and university development, Pune,(BCUD) as Young Scientist grant , sanctioned amount  sixty thousand rupees.

  4. “Medical Image Processing” funded by AICTE, Delhi, Sanctioned amount 1 Lakhs.


  • “Microprocessor Programming” for Second year Diploma in Computer Engineering, Nirali Publication

  • “Microprocessor and Microcontroller” for Third year Diploma in Computer Engineering, Nirali Publication

  • “Testing and Measuring Equipment” for Third year Diploma in Computer Engineering, Nirali Publication


  • Patent filed on “ System and method for Human emotion recognition” 54/MUM/2015,

  • Patent filed on “Side Stand Motor vehicle” in Indian Patent office,Mumbai,844/MUM/2015

  • Patent filed on “Water Wastage Prevention and usage Monitoring System.” in Indian patent office, Mumbai, application no: 201621021915

  • Patent filed on “System for identification of Indian classical Musical Instruments sounds using Audio Descriptors” in Indian patent office, Mumbai, application no: 201921013814 dated 05/04/2019

  • Patent filed on “System and method for Speaker identification using Geographical region Language”.in Indian patent office, Mumbai, application no: 201921013820 dated 05/04/2019

  • Patent filed on “Antithesis of Hydrogen Hydroxyl using Electro-polarization technique .” in Indian patent office, Mumbai, application no: 201921013858 dated 20/04/2019


Copy right:


  • Copyright registered on “ Fission and Fusion (Fi-Fu) Algorithm” diary number 57027/2014-CO/L

International Journal:

  • Dr.D.S.Bormane, Prof.A.N.Paithane,Prof Mrs.S.A.Paithane “Multi Scale Curvelet Transforms Based Still Image Compression Using Set Portioning of Hierarchical Tree Coding Technique” “International Journal of Computer Applications and Business Intelligence (IJCABI), ISSN 0975-0945X,Jan 2010,vol-01,11-15”.

  • Dr.D.S.Bormane, Prof.A.N.Paithane,Prof Mrs.S.A.Paithane ,“Digital curvelet transform based Image compression with modified SPIHT coding”International Journal of      Computing Science & Communication Technologies (IJCSCT), TECHNIA, ISSN:1837-7823.

  • Mr.A.N.Paithane,Mrs.A.S.Ayakar, “Mobile Video Surveillance system of 3G Network based on ARM9”.International Journal of Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology,ISSN 0973-6107,vol 5 number 2(2012),pp.1025-1034.

  • A.N. Paithane, Shruti Hullyalkar, Gayatri Behera, Neha Sonakul, Aditi Manmode “Facial Emotion Detection using Eigenfaces”. International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242 Volume 3 Issue 5 May, 2014 Page No. 5714-5716. (UGC Approved)

  • Mr.A.N.Paithane,Dr.D.S.Bormane,Mrs.S.S.Dhinde, “Human Emotion Recognition using Electrocardiogram Signals”. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 2 Issue: 2,pp. 194 – 197,2015. (UGC Approved)

  •   A.N.Paithane, D.S.Bormane, Ujwala Patil “Novel Algorithm for feature extraction and feature selection from Electrocardiogram signal” International Journal of computer application(IJCA), 2016,Germany. (Scopus Indexed journal)

  • Anuja R. Bhagwat and A.N.Paithane, “Human disposition detection using EEG signal and facial expression: A survey”, Journal of Electronics and communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE), e-ISSN:2278-2834, p-ISSN:2278-8735, pp.70-75. (UGC Approved)

  •  Jayashree A. Mahajan, A.N.Paithane, “The E- project manager”, IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE) e-ISSN: 2278-2834,p- ISSN: 2278-8735. PP 39-47. (UGC Approved)

  • Shweta Gaikwad, A.N.Paithane, “Design of EEG based Human Computer Interface for real time application”, International Journal of Advanced Research Ideas and Innovations in Technology (IJARIIT), 2018,Vol 4, Issue 2,  ISSN-2454-132X, IF-4.295,pp.1191-1195. (UGC Approved)  

  • Dipak Gadekar, Sanyukta Ghorpade, Vishakha Shelar, Ajay Paithane, “IoT BASED ATTENDANCE MONITORING SYSTEM USING FACE AND FINGERPRINT”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018. (UGC Approved)

  • U. G. Patil, S. D. Shirbahadurkar and A. N. Paithane, “Automatic Speech Recognition of Noisy Hindi Words Using Linear Discriminant Analysis” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, vol. 10, Issue.14 ISSN 1943-023X. pp. 1794-1799, 2018 (Scopus Indexed journal)

  • U. G. Patil, S. D. Shirbahadurkar and A. N. Paithane, “Linear Collaborative Discriminant Regression and Cepstra Features for Hindi Speech Recognition” ISSN: 2307-1877, Journal of Engineering Research (JER), Vol. 7 No. (4) December 2019 pp. 96-114, 2019, (Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal)

  • A. N. Paithane, U. G. Patil, S. D. Shirbahadurkar and, Bhagwat Jadhav “Performance Analysis of Face Detection system using HOG and QualHOG Features”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6,2019, pp.2079-2083.(Scopus Indexed journal)

  • Bhagavat. D. Jadhav, Chandrama. G. Thorat , Ajay. N. Paithane , Pravin M. Ghate , Land use Land Cover Mapping using Modified Ant Colony Optimization Technique,International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-4,pp. 100-106, February 2020. (Scopus Indexed journal)

  • A. N. Paithane, U. G. Patil, and P. M. Ghate “QRS detection using Empirical mode Decomposition method for Human computer Interface”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), SERC, ISSN: 2005 – 4238, Volume-29 Issue-7, May 2020, pp.702-712. (Scopus Indexed journal)

  • A. N. Paithane, Dr. P. M. Ghate, Harshad B. Balekundri, B.D.Jadhav, S.D.Shirbahadukar “Model for Conversion of Biodegradable Waste into Organic Fertiliser”, Test Engineering and Management (TEST), ISSN: 0193-4120,Vol-83,Issue- March-April 2020, pp. 26480 - 26486(Scopus Indexed journal)

  • A. N. Paithane, D. M.Yadav, S.V.Raut, “Integrated Analysis of fMRI-EEG Data for the Detection of Epilepsy Disorder”, Helix ( A Scientific Explorer), ISSN: 2319-5592, Vol-10, Issue-5, Oct 2020,pp. 21-31 (Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal)

  • A. N. Paithane, Mukil Algirisamy, U. G. Patil “A Survey on Human Stress Detection Using Physiological Signals”, Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research (JCDR), ISSN: 0975 3583, Volume-11 Issue-4, December 2020, pp.347-357. (Scopus Indexed journal)

  • A. N. Paithane, Nivedita Patil, U. G. Patil “ Priority Based Power Scheduling Algorithm for Residential Loads”, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,ISSN-1671-4512, Volume-50 Issue-8, Aug 2021, pp.1-13. (Scopus Indexed journal)

  • Prajakta Jagtap, Ajay Paithane, U. G. Patil “Design and Development of an Algorithm for Vehicle Speed Control from Speed Limit Sign using Deep Learning”, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,ISSN-1671-4512, Volume-50 Issue-8, Aug 2021, pp.1-13. (Scopus Indexed journal)

  • Dnyaneshwar. Vitthal Sahane,  Pravin M Ghate, Ajay N Paithane " Design of a low-cost welding machine controller with a novel control algorithm for an enhanced HF TIG welding process" Engineering Research Express, IOP press. June 2022 (Scopus)

  • A. N. Paithane, Mukil Algirisamy, "Electroencephalogram Signal Analysis Using Wavelet Transform and SVM Classifier for Human stress recognition" Biomedical and Pharmacology, June 2022 (Accepted Scopus)

International conference papers:

  • D.S.Bormane,A.N.Paithane,S.M.Hambarde “FPGA for Image compression using hybrid transform” A international conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics,Computing,Embedded system and VLSI(ICEVD-08),20-21 March 2008,pp.146

  • B.V.Pawar,A.N.Paithane,S.C.Wagaj “Design and Implementation of Embedded synthesizer” A international conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics,Computing,Embedded system and VLSI(ICEVD-08),20-21 March 2008,pp.20

  • A.N.Paithane,B.D.Jadhav.U.G.Patil,“Optimization of MP3 Decoder on the ARM processor” A international conference on Emerging Trends Electronics, Computing, Embedded system and VLSI(ICEVD-08),20-21 March 2008,pp.149

  • D.S.Bormane,A.N.Paithane,U.G.Patil “On-line and Off-line character of Vehicles License plate recognition using distance measuring method” A international conference on Cognition and Recognition (ICCR-08),11-12 April 2008,

  • D.D.Doye, A.N.Paithane “High quality image reconstruction using radon transform” an internal conference 11 March 2009.

  • A.N.Paithane,D.S.Bormanr,S.S.Dinde, “Feature Extraction of Electrocardiogram Signal”. International conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICRTET2014). Published in Proceeding of Elsevier science and Technology 2014.

  • A.N.Paithane, D.S.Bormane, “Analysis of Nonlinear and Non-Stationary Signal to Extract the Features Using Hilbert Huang Transform” 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 962-965.

  • A.N.Paithane, D.S.Bormane, “Human Emotion Recognition from ECG Signals Using a FiFu approach” 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing (ICPC).

  • A.N.Paithane, D.S.Bormane, S.D.Shirbahadurkar “Analysis of Nonlinear and Non-Stationary Signal to Extract the Features Using Fi-Fu approach of Hilbert Huang Transform”  International conference on Circuits, Devices and system (ICCDS), 2015, WASET, Malaysia.

  • U.G.Patil , A.N.Paithane, D.S.Bormane, “Human Emotion Recognition from ECG Signals Using a FiFu approach” 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing (ICPC).

  • U.G.Patil, S.D.Shirbahadurkar, A.N. Paithane, “ Automatic Speech Recognition Models: A Characteristics and Performance Review  ”,International Conference on Computing,Communication,Control and Automation at PCCOE, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Aug. 12-13, pp. 223-228, 2016.

  • U.G.Patil, S.D.Shirbahadurkar, A.N. Paithane, “Automatic Speech Recognition of Isolated Words  in Hindi Language using MFCC”   IEEE International Conference on Computing, Analytics  and Security (CAST2016) at College of Engineering Pune Savitribai Phule Pune University, Dec. 12-13,pp. 433-438, 2016.

  • Anuja Bhagwat, A.N.Paithane, “EEG Signal Analysis Algorithm for Human Disposition detection  using Manhattan distance matrix method of Hidden Markov Model and wavelet transform” IEEE International Conference on Computing, Analytics  and Security (CAST2016) at College of Engineering Pune Savitribai Phule Pune University, Dec. 12-13,2016.

  • Priyanka Ghare, A.N.Paithane, “EEG Signal Analysis Algorithm for Human Emotion recognition using wavelet transform” IEEE International Conference on Computing, Analytics  and Security (CAST2016) at College of Engineering Pune Savitribai Phule Pune University, Dec. 12-13,2016.

  • Paithane, A. N., Shruti Hullyalkar, Gayatri Behera, Neha Sonakul, and Aditi Manmode. "Facial Emotion Detection using Eigenfaces." International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science 3, no. 05 (2014).

  • Limaye, Mugdha, and Ajay Paithane. "Implementing image compression using transform based approach." International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), 2017, pp. 834-840. IEEE, 2017.

  • Musale, Reena, and A. N. Paithane. "Design and develop an algorithm for a diabetic detection using ECG signal." In Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), 2017 International Conference on, pp. 961-966. IEEE, 2017.

  • Gaikwad, Pallavi, and A. N. Paithane. "Novel approach for stress recognition using EEG signal by SVM classifier." International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), 2017, pp. 967-971. IEEE, 2017. 

National Conference Papers:

  • Mr.A.N.Paithane, “Biometrics” A  sate level national conference(Techno-Innova-2004) Pune, pp.26-28,21-23January 2004

  • Mr.A.N.Paithane, Ms.U.G.Patil, “Neo-cognitron in Biomedical Imaging to analyze Parkinson’s diseases” A national conference on Emerging Trends in Biomedical Engineering (BICON-2005). Pune,     pp.167-171

  • Mr.A.N.Paithane, Ms.U.G.Patil, “Wavelet in surgery and Biomedical Imaging” A national conference on Emerging Trends in Biomedical Engineering (BICON-2005). Pune,     pp.167-171

  • Dr.R.M.Jalnekar, Mr.A.N.Paithane, Mr.R.P.Borse, “A smart vehicle License plate recognition system” A national conference on Sun rising Technologies (NCSRT-2005), Mumbai, pp.647-652.

  • Prof.R.T.Patil, Mr.A.N.Paithane, Ms.U.G.Patil, “License plate of vehicle recognition system” A national conference on Distributed Computing (NCDC-2005). Pune, pp.260-264

  • Prof.R.T.Patil, Mr.A.N.Paithane, Ms.U.G.Patil, “Template matching method to detect traffic feature using KOMPSAT EOC Imagery” A national conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics & Telecommunication (NCET-2007). Pune,     pp.27-29

  • Prof.R.T.Patil, Mr.A.N.Paithane, Mr.S.M.Hambarde, “FPGA for Image compression using hybrid transform” A national conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Management (ETEM-2008). Pune,     pp.42

  •  Mr.A.N.Paithane, Mr.S.M.Hambarde,Mr.S.C.Wagaj “High speed inter satellite LASER communication ” A national conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics & Telecommunication (NCET-2007). Pune,     pp.278-284


Our work is to create Health card for each individual, which holds past health related information. The card must be carried by the individual to all the places. The novelty is the unity or collection of data into a single place.

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